ประกาศรายชื่อร้านค้าที่ได้ขึ้นโปรโมทฟรี "ร้านใหม่แนะนำ" กับ LINE SHOPPING
ขอแสดงความยินดีกับร้านค้า LINE SHOPPING หลังจากทำภารกิจสำเร็จ!
ร้านค้าจะได้รับการขึ้นโปรโมทร้านฟรี "ร้านใหม่แนะนำ" บนหน้า event ของ LINE SHOPPING คลิกที่นี่ ระหว่างวันที่ 1-30 เมษายน 2565
ร้านค้าที่ได้รับคัดเลือก จะต้องทำภารกิจต่อไปนี้ ในระหว่างวันที่ 1-30 เมษายน 65
- เทคนิคการสร้างริชเมนู คลิกที่นี่
- ข้อความทักทายเพื่อนใหม่ คลิกที่นี่
- วิธีการสร้างรหัสส่วนลดสินค้า คลิกที่นี่
- เทคนิคการแชร์ลิงก์ร้านค้าบนโซเชียลมีเดียของร้านค้า คลิกที่นี่
ลำดับที่ | ชื่อร้านค้า | ลิงก์ร้านค้า |
1 | 101FashionFactory | https://shop.line.me/@101fashionfactory |
2 | 2495littleheartmade | https://shop.line.me/@964uluma |
3 | 2sis.beautyskin | https://shop.line.me/@2sis.beautyskin |
4 | 68scent | https://shop.line.me/@68brand |
5 | AbhaiHerb Shop | https://shop.line.me/@abhaiherb |
6 | Aileen.n_skin | https://shop.line.me/@299tsbsy |
7 | All Eatery's | https://shop.line.me/@196bewem |
8 | amlambrand | https://shop.line.me/@amlambrand |
9 | Amyours.onthebeach | https://shop.line.me/@ay.onthebeach |
10 | Anemone Flower Shopee | https://shop.line.me/@anemoneflowershop |
11 | Anonymous Gelato | https://shop.line.me/@967jiiql |
12 | Anyongthailand | https://shop.line.me/@Anyongthailand |
13 | Ara.915 | https://shop.line.me/@ara.915 |
14 | AROM.Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@aromthailand |
15 | At Home | https://shop.line.me/@athomeshop.net |
16 | Baby Mata-Go’ | https://shop.line.me/@baby-matago |
17 | babycutebrand | https://shop.line.me/@170jpifo |
18 | BabyFriday | https://shop.line.me/@babyfriday |
19 | Babymarket.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@282lbsph |
20 | Baker.story.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@baker.story |
21 | Bambini Official | https://shop.line.me/@bambini |
22 | Barketek | https://shop.line.me/@Barketek |
23 | Bbag | https://shop.line.me/@bbag |
24 | BBofficialBKK | https://shop.line.me/@584xmsoy |
25 | Beautynista.com | https://shop.line.me/@beautynista |
26 | Beef To Hand | https://shop.line.me/@beeftohand |
27 | Behealthyfood | https://shop.line.me/@behealthyfood |
28 | Bitter*Sweet | https://shop.line.me/@ick3660o |
29 | Bliss Italian Kitchen | https://shop.line.me/@atbliss |
30 | Blossom Boutiques | https://shop.line.me/@730wzagu |
31 | Bristol Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@bristolthailand |
32 | Buarada | https://shop.line.me/@buarada |
33 | Butterjoyco | https://shop.line.me/@646wytmh |
34 | Charming.World | https://shop.line.me/@tds7688b |
35 | chic.tory | https://shop.line.me/@chic.tory |
36 | Chicken.chillipaste | https://shop.line.me/@chickenchillipaste |
37 | Chubbybuthappy | https://shop.line.me/@chubbybuthappy |
38 | Chukin_Officials | https://shop.line.me/@562wsgit |
39 | comiing.sn | https://shop.line.me/@jhs9134u |
40 | Como and friends | https://shop.line.me/@comoandfriends |
41 | Cornfirm | https://shop.line.me/@cornfirm |
42 | coverbeautyy | https://shop.line.me/@732vjdmp |
43 | Danongwon thailand | https://shop.line.me/@danongwonth |
44 | darlene.bakery | https://shop.line.me/@darlene.bakery |
45 | DDonline Shop | https://shop.line.me/@540ccooy |
46 | define studio | https://shop.line.me/@define.studio |
47 | Delicatary.official | https://shop.line.me/@delicatary |
48 | Demille.official | https://shop.line.me/@demille |
49 | DinocoolKids ชุดเด็กน่ารัก | https://shop.line.me/@dinocoolkids |
50 | Diybywanjeab | https://shop.line.me/@wanjeab |
51 | Dressforyou95 | https://shop.line.me/@kannika95 |
52 | dropshoppingthai | https://shop.line.me/@dropshoppingthai |
53 | Ducky Cosmetic | https://shop.line.me/@907zxhka |
54 | emaris thailand | https://shop.line.me/@emaristhailand |
55 | Emily tea and bake | https://shop.line.me/@emilyteaandbake |
56 | Ephemere Parfum | https://shop.line.me/@ephemereparfum |
57 | Eveme couture | https://shop.line.me/@hid9677g |
58 | fastbeautie | https://shop.line.me/@fastbeautie |
59 | Fethlabellela | https://shop.line.me/@huz7661b |
60 | Fishdelii | https://shop.line.me/@fishdelii |
61 | From Local | https://shop.line.me/@fromlocal |
62 | Gandg.official | https://shop.line.me/@gandg |
63 | Gigwi Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@gigwithailand |
64 | GLOSSGURL.B | https://shop.line.me/@542wyyis |
65 | goldcolorlab | https://shop.line.me/@hnv1858e |
66 | Golster | https://shop.line.me/@golster |
67 | Googal.it | https://shop.line.me/@googal.it |
68 | Grandworld Holiday | https://shop.line.me/@grandworldholiday |
69 | Grasicz_skincareshop | https://shop.line.me/@415ddlxe |
70 | hairlab | https://shop.line.me/@hairlabth |
71 | hat.afabday | https://shop.line.me/@hat.afabday |
72 | HAUS OF GRAFF | https://shop.line.me/@HAUSOFGRAFF |
73 | HELIO.SUMMERR | https://shop.line.me/@262askdo |
74 | Herkindnco | https://shop.line.me/@759ahhqy |
75 | HerShine.Store | https://shop.line.me/@hershine |
76 | Holala | https://shop.line.me/@nzs0242f |
77 | Honey & Bears | https://shop.line.me/@honeyandbears |
78 | honeybaess | https://shop.line.me/@980fexub |
79 | Horme.movement | https://shop.line.me/@432xkskq |
80 | ibellyshop | https://shop.line.me/@ibellyshop |
81 | ILY . I LIVE YOUNG | https://shop.line.me/@ily.iliveyoung |
82 | imagie | https://shop.line.me/@imagiegg |
83 | IMTMARKET | https://shop.line.me/@imtmarket |
84 | Indy blue | https://shop.line.me/@indyblue |
85 | INHANDS THE WOOD | https://shop.line.me/@uzi3952b |
86 | ITS STORE | https://shop.line.me/@tju8808b |
87 | Japanwithgift | https://shop.line.me/@japanwithgift |
88 | Jira studio | https://shop.line.me/@jira.studio |
89 | JLW BRAND | https://shop.line.me/@jlwbrand |
90 | Joonstudio | https://shop.line.me/@joonstudio |
91 | Joyfulservice1 | https://shop.line.me/@734qddwx |
92 | Jrshop.style | https://shop.line.me/@skp7883s |
93 | K Cosmetics | https://shop.line.me/@qyd9912c |
94 | Kaew-DD | https://shop.line.me/@kaewdd |
95 | kanom_seenam | https://shop.line.me/@530pzdyc |
96 | KateAndKim | https://shop.line.me/@756swwzh |
97 | Kawaii Bigeye4u | https://shop.line.me/@kawaiibigeye4u |
98 | Khunfroy.official | https://shop.line.me/@079ccakx |
99 | Kiddy’s Store ลพบุรี | https://shop.line.me/@kiddylopburi |
100 | Kidsnapstore | https://shop.line.me/@kidsnapstore |
101 | Kinthekids | https://shop.line.me/@kinthekids |
102 | konbini_smileplease | https://shop.line.me/@smilepleasekonbini |
103 | Koon | https://shop.line.me/@koonth |
104 | Koon Official | https://shop.line.me/@koonpremix |
105 | Ladycup | https://shop.line.me/@Ladycup |
106 | Lalala Official | https://shop.line.me/@cnb5592y |
107 | LAMANILA.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@lamanila |
108 | Lapis Lazuli | https://shop.line.me/@216whbgp |
109 | LAUREL | https://shop.line.me/@laurelbrand |
110 | Lets_Z | https://shop.line.me/@Lets_Z |
111 | LETSWALK | https://shop.line.me/@letswalk |
112 | Litttlecloset.space | https://shop.line.me/@rmt3016z |
113 | longmagoyofficial | https://shop.line.me/@lxu8878d |
114 | Lovebirds.th | https://shop.line.me/@lovebirds.th |
115 | LT SHOP THAILAND | https://shop.line.me/@jnp7346g |
116 | LUCKY MISU | https://shop.line.me/@ees4621t |
117 | Luna shop | https://shop.line.me/@lunafamily |
118 | Madameorn | https://shop.line.me/@madameorn |
119 | Maitreechit | https://shop.line.me/@maitreechit |
120 | malibu | https://shop.line.me/@malibuwaterwear |
121 | Malus | https://shop.line.me/@malusbite |
122 | Manomãn Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@manoman_thailand |
123 | Marshmallow | https://shop.line.me/@marshmallow |
124 | Maymeng Bakery | https://shop.line.me/@maymengbakery |
125 | Metisabrand | https://shop.line.me/@metisabrand |
126 | midsummermadness.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@jpu8216f |
127 | Mimi’s Plan | https://shop.line.me/@mimisplan |
128 | MommyAndBabyLiz | https://shop.line.me/@293nmgqn |
129 | Moomoothings | https://shop.line.me/@moomoothings |
130 | mormormor | https://shop.line.me/@mormormor |
131 | Mungdong-มุนดง | https://shop.line.me/@mundong |
132 | Na Ha Thai By ThisisJa | https://shop.line.me/@thisisja |
133 | Na Ha Thai Maison by Nan | https://shop.line.me/@maisonhealthy.nan |
134 | Nahathai.store | https://shop.line.me/@nahathai.store |
135 | Naillyme | https://shop.line.me/@naillyme |
136 | NEED | https://shop.line.me/@needfurniture |
137 | NIDDSHOPP | https://shop.line.me/@871kjybk |
138 | NK shop | https://shop.line.me/@rnn4927x |
139 | Nomnuum.official | https://shop.line.me/@739dxkfo |
140 | NUTTHA ORIGINAL | https://shop.line.me/@nutthaoriginal |
141 | Oab’s Member | https://shop.line.me/@oabs45 |
142 | oabskincare | https://shop.line.me/@oabsoap |
143 | Oggi Club | https://shop.line.me/@oggiclub |
144 | Ohannie | https://shop.line.me/@Ohannie |
145 | Only.nahathai | https://shop.line.me/@only.nahathai |
146 | Other Half Baby Brand | https://shop.line.me/@617zcwkl |
147 | Ourshoes.officil | https://shop.line.me/@dpa4447n |
148 | p&m kids shop | https://shop.line.me/@pmkidsshop |
149 | P&P Kids Clothes | https://shop.line.me/@tnx4729e |
150 | PALA | https://shop.line.me/@PALA |
151 | Paplearnbeauty | https://shop.line.me/@paplearn.beauty |
152 | Parato | https://shop.line.me/@parato |
153 | Patti N Nephews | https://shop.line.me/@035yzibz |
154 | Pearlpop Jewelry | https://shop.line.me/@689ztbhm |
155 | Periepera_thailand | https://shop.line.me/@peripera_thailand |
156 | PetX | https://shop.line.me/@petxthaialnd |
157 | Piggy Baker | https://shop.line.me/@piggybaker |
158 | PK.Furniture | https://shop.line.me/@pkfurniture |
159 | Plain Squad | https://shop.line.me/@plainsquad |
160 | plannerbykarara | https://shop.line.me/@sjr1669z |
161 | PleatbyRose | https://shop.line.me/@999expkx |
162 | Poby | https://shop.line.me/@poby |
163 | PP.beautyshops | https://shop.line.me/@PPBS |
164 | PPBooks | https://shop.line.me/@ppbooks |
165 | Pradipat Skin Clinic คลินิกผิวหนังประดิพัทธ์ | https://shop.line.me/@pradipatskin |
166 | primayathailand | https://shop.line.me/@primayathailand |
167 | Prodpunpun | https://shop.line.me/@prodpunpun |
168 | Putecrim | https://shop.line.me/@putecrim |
169 | Rags and Lace | https://shop.line.me/@994gkygl |
170 | Rakbike | https://shop.line.me/@ojl3050b |
171 | Royal Cliff | https://shop.line.me/@royalcliff |
172 | safari denim | https://shop.line.me/@safaridenim |
173 | Sandysujittra | https://shop.line.me/@sandysujittra |
174 | Sara Beauty Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@sara.thailand |
175 | SAVE DRUG | https://shop.line.me/@savedrug |
176 | SaYaWorld8 | https://shop.line.me/@sayaworld8 |
177 | serkids.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@serkids |
178 | SHILA | https://shop.line.me/@shilajit |
179 | Siberian Husky Doll | https://shop.line.me/@siberianhuskydoll |
180 | SIGHT QUEST | https://shop.line.me/@sqeyewear |
181 | Sivili | https://shop.line.me/@sivili |
182 | Sleep well clothes | https://shop.line.me/@mbp4968f |
183 | SMA Dropship | https://shop.line.me/@smadropship |
184 | smellssogood.aroma | https://shop.line.me/@789nbohv |
185 | Snor | https://shop.line.me/@Snor |
186 | Snowcover | https://shop.line.me/@snowcover |
187 | Softcreamshop | https://shop.line.me/@softcreamshop |
188 | sojewelbkk | https://shop.line.me/@sojewelbkk |
189 | somofurniture | https://shop.line.me/@somofurniture |
190 | Sorryforwearing | https://shop.line.me/@sorryforwearing |
191 | Speck Healthy Bake | https://shop.line.me/@804gkqno |
192 | SPT Life Limited Partnership | https://shop.line.me/@ibuyubuys |
193 | ssummer.stuff | https://shop.line.me/@472tcdqc |
194 | stellaperfume | https://shop.line.me/@441yyloe |
195 | Sugi Bee Garden Thailand | https://shop.line.me/@sugibeegardenth |
196 | Suitable.me | https://shop.line.me/@949jdmeo |
197 | T&Dshopp | https://shop.line.me/@355gpymx |
198 | Taffeta | https://shop.line.me/@926uxmpa |
199 | testerbyalvie | https://shop.line.me/@jpf0617f |
200 | Thammachart | https://shop.line.me/@tammachart |
201 | The Hills | https://shop.line.me/@thehills |
202 | The Story Of Alisa | https://shop.line.me/@thestoryofalisa |
203 | The Sundae Social | https://shop.line.me/@806xzius |
204 | The Tapparel | https://shop.line.me/@thetapparel |
205 | Theimemzy.official | https://shop.line.me/@dnu3891k |
206 | THEKISSPRINCIPLE | https://shop.line.me/@THEKISSP |
207 | Three Wolves | https://shop.line.me/@3wolves.bkk |
208 | TIAPHARMA | https://shop.line.me/@tiacharoen |
209 | Tiny Whale | https://shop.line.me/@tinywhale |
210 | tmill_youskinshop | https://shop.line.me/@132pyccu |
211 | Topper.paradise | https://shop.line.me/@125nuneu |
212 | Usagijuices | https://shop.line.me/@Usagijuices |
213 | vara.clothing | https://shop.line.me/@dop1964o |
214 | Vintageoutfit | https://shop.line.me/@vxh2601f |
215 | Vivalabrand | https://shop.line.me/@vivalabrand |
216 | Wadee_Unofficial | https://shop.line.me/@wadee |
217 | Whatf | https://shop.line.me/@what-f |
218 | Wholly.bkk | https://shop.line.me/@wholly.bkk |
219 | With matter | https://shop.line.me/@withmatter |
220 | Wonderlust Craft | https://shop.line.me/@304bqwmi |
221 | yxurbestie | https://shop.line.me/@jnb8248n |
222 | กิมจิคุณ kim | https://shop.line.me/@kimchikhunkim |
223 | จักรยานไฟฟ้าแม่บ้านญี่ปุ่น อาโออิ | https://shop.line.me/@ebike-aoi |
224 | ชุดเที่ยวทะเลและคาเฟ่ | https://shop.line.me/@612avzuf |
225 | ธนดีเภสัช | https://shop.line.me/@thanadeedrug |
226 | น.เนื้อ เนื้อไทย-วากิว พรีเมียม | https://shop.line.me/@nornuea |
227 | นพเก้าซาลาเปา | https://shop.line.me/@pao9 |
228 | นมพัทลุง สำนักงานใหญ่ | https://shop.line.me/@527ppxbb |
229 | นานาพรรณไม้ | https://shop.line.me/@222thgbn |
230 | น้ำพริกคุณอุบล | https://shop.line.me/@namprikkhunubol |
231 | ปกาสัยรีสอร์ท | https://shop.line.me/@pakasairesort |
232 | ปลากัด โคราชบ้านเอก | https://shop.line.me/@791pbwzm |
233 | ปาดิโอ พัทลุง Padi-O | https://shop.line.me/@125uqfmr |
234 | พันธุ์ไม้ขายแหลก | https://shop.line.me/@Monprueksa |
235 | ฟลาวเวอร์ฟูด | https://shop.line.me/@flowerfood |
236 | ยำเต็มปาก-Yumtempak | https://shop.line.me/@yumtempak |
237 | ร่วมพลัง | https://shop.line.me/@ruampalaang |
238 | เวสป้าสะพานใหม่ | https://shop.line.me/@vespasaphanmai |
239 | ศาลานา | https://shop.line.me/@salana |
240 | ส้มโอวรฉัตร | https://shop.line.me/@pomelo_worachart |
241 | สมุนไพร CHANNHERB | https://shop.line.me/@channherb |
242 | หรอยนะกุ้ง | https://shop.line.me/@roinagung |
243 | หอยจ๊อย่าเฮี๊ยะ | https://shop.line.me/@hoijawyahere |
ถ้ายังมีคำถาม อย่ารอช้า!
ติดต่อทีมงาน LINE SHOPPING Seller ได้เลย พวกเราพร้อมช่วยเหลือคุณทุกวัน เวลา 10:00-20:00 น. แอดไลน์ @linemyshop หรือคลิกที่นี่