The "SELECTED" Badge Removal Criteria and Penalties for Violations

08 Sep 2023

The "SELECTED" Badge Removal Criteria and Penalties for Violations

At LINE SHOPPING, we prioritize buyer's experience to create shopping experiences that aligned with laws and our Terms of Service. This is to safeguard the buyer's rights and maintain the credibility of LINE SHOPPING. Consequently, we have established penalties for sellers who violate the criteria for obtaining the Seller Badge. These penalties fall into 2 main categories as follows:

1. Penalties Based on Buyer Experience:

In cases where a seller's behavior is deemed inappropriate by our team upon investigation and validation (Buyer Experience), penalties are applied as follows:

1st Offense

If a seller is reported for inappropriate behavior and the report is validated by our team (1st Offense), the seller will receive a warning email to raise awareness and discourage repeated violations. However, this warning will not result in the removal of the "SELECTED" Badge. 

It also should be noted that certain severe violations, such as “Providing fake information to buyers and the LINE SHOPPING team”, as well as “Actions that are against the legal obligations or LINE SHOPPING terms of service”, may lead to the immediate removal of the "SELECTED" Badge, even on the first violation is found. In such cases, the badge will be removed for a period of 90 days.

2nd and 3rd Offenses

If a seller is reported for inappropriate behavior and the report is validated by our team (2nd and 3rd Offenses), the "SELECTED" Badge will be temporarily removed with the period of 90 days, and 180 days for the certain severe violations, such as “Providing fake information to buyers and the LINE SHOPPING team” and “Actions that are against the legal obligations or LINE SHOPPING terms of service”.

Subsequent Offenses (Starting from the 3rd or 4th Offense)

If a seller is reported for inappropriate behavior and the report is validated by our team (Starting from 3rd or 4th Offense), the "SELECTED" Badge will be temporarily removed with the period of 180 days, and Permanently for the certain severe violations, such as “Providing fake information to buyers and the LINE SHOPPING team” and “Actions that are against the legal obligations or LINE SHOPPING terms of service”.

Examples of inappropriate actions based on Buyer Experience



Layer & Detected Time

Layer 1: First Punishment:

90 Days

Layer 2: Second Punishment:

180 Days

Layer 3: Last Punishment:


Severe Punishment

Providing Fake Information (To Buyer and/or LINE SHOPPING Team)

1 Time

2 Times

3 Times

Not Meeting Consumer Rights

Light Punishment

Breaking Commitment

2 Times

4 Times

6 Times

Rude Appearance

Intentional Delay Response to Buyer


2. Penalties for Behavior Strongly Against Laws and/or Violating LINE SHOPPING's Terms of Service (Fraud and Prohibited Activity) and Violating Seller Code of Conduct

If a seller engages in behavior that contravenes LINE SHOPPING's terms of service, the "SELECTED" Badge will be immediately and permanently removed upon the first instance of such behavior being validated by the LINE SHOPPING team. This pertains to behaviors that include below statements:

  • Intellectual property infringement (e.g. selling, reproducing, modifying copyrighted products without authorization from the copyright owner, selling counterfeit goods, unauthorized use of trademarks, or infringement of design patents)
  • Selling products that violate LINE SHOPPING policies or that LINE SHOPPING deems inappropriate and potentially harmful to society, such as cannabis consumption products, substandard or unsafe products even if no legal standards exist (as determined by LINE SHOPPING)
  • Selling prohibited, restricted or illegal products (e.g. drugs, weapons, tobacco or tobacco-related products, products from endangered species)
  • Offering poor quality products or those with serious defects rendering them unusable as intended
  • Clearly exhibiting fraudulent or deceptive behavior, or participating in defrauding or deceiving buyers to obtain payment or other benefits
  • Phishing buyers for sensitive personal or other private information
  • Creating fake seller accounts or listings to deceive buyers
  • Involvement in fraudulent pyramid or multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes
  • Participating in financial fraud or misrepresentation in any form
  • Selling products/services significantly different from descriptions, agreements with buyers, or misrepresenting features, specifications or functioning, including inaccurate or misleading product descriptions
  • Use of bots or automated tools to unfairly outperform other sellers
  • Misusing data obtained from LINE SHOPPING personnel or others with LINE SHOPPING, exploiting system vulnerabilities or algorithms for personal gain
  • Unauthorized use of buyer data from LINE SHOPPING to send spam or advertisements to LINE users without their consent
  • Sending messages that are threatening, abusive, discriminatory, or hateful to buyers via any communication channel
  • Failure to respond to buyer inquiries or complaints in a timely manner
  • Using inappropriate language when providing service to buyers through any channel, e.g. answering product detail questions
  • Canceling orders without proper justification, failure to fulfill sales contracts or orders
  • Intentionally delaying shipments without justification or providing false tracking information
  • Refusing to accept legitimate product returns from buyers
  • Refusing to issue refunds or provide buyer support, such as additional return shipping costs, product/service costs (if seller issues direct refund), or chargebacks covered initially by LINE SHOPPING due to seller fault
  • Violations of the MyShop Terms of Service for Sellers or other relevant terms and conditions, pertaining to scenarios not previously specified
  • Violation of policies on order fulfillment, refunds and customer support (for incidents not specified above)
  • Damaging the platform's reputation and credibility by failure to meet agreed standards and practices
  • Non-compliance with legal regulations or consumer protection laws, selling products posing health or safety risks to consumers
  • Violation of privacy or data security regulations
  • Involvement in fraudulent or deceptive business practices or criminal conduct

MyShop Terms and Conditions of Service for Sellers

Seller Code of Conduct :




Dispute Process

If a seller receives an email from LINE SHOPPING regarding the warning or takedown of the "SELECTED" Badge, the seller is entitled to appeal such order by replying via email ( In this regard, the seller must provide an explanatory statement with a logical reason and submit supporting evidence (if any) in the email. 

After the seller has already replied an email to LINE SHOPPING, LINE SHOPPING will consider the statement, reason, and the supporting evidence, and will provide a feedback to the seller within 7 (seven) business days via email (

If the "SELECTED" Badge is removed due to behavior violating LINE SHOPPING's terms of , the seller has the option to appeal to The appeal process begins from the day the seller is notified of the badge removal. Appeals will be evaluated based on the evidence provided by the seller for consideration by the LINE SHOPPING team. 




Recommendations to Sellers

Sellers can avoid badge suspension by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Timely and accurate product deliveries as advertised;
  • Ensuring product quality before shipment;
  • Providing courteous and attentive customer service; and
  • Complying with LINE SHOPPING's terms of services and the legal obligations




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